I’ve spent the last two weeks going through some of the modules in the internet lead generating course. It’s not that anyone thing is hard, it is all fairly easy things to do and most of it is free. However, it seems like I should be doing 100 things at once and I’m starting to feel scatter brained. I hate this feeling because I waste so much time thinking about what I should be doing next instead of just knocking out one item at a time. Below is a list of questions that are running through my head right now…
Do I work on Videos?
Do I work on putting content on my Google+ Page?
Do I spend time placing my business information in local listing services?
Do I spend time creating back links to my main site?
Do I spend time updating my main website?
What keywords do I concentrate on?
How many keywords do I concentrate on?
Do I spend time writing content articles full of what every keywords I want to concentrate on?
What I’m going to do next week is put effort into creating an ordered punch list and then identify items that I’m going to outsource. Outsourcing has to happen because the limited time I have during the week to work on all the above items gets me no where fast. Sharon Vornholt has actually just posted a 3 part series on outsourcing that I’m going to read through to help me get started. If you are interested in this as well here are the links to each part…
Part 1: Creating an Outsourcing Master Plan for Your Business.
Part 2: How Do I Figure Out What To Outsource.
Part 3: Where Do I Find An Affordable VA or Part-time Person for My Business?